One study of 1,036 people showed that 98% of men watched porn in the last 6 months (Source:
So why do so many men fail to quit porn even though it’s such a prevalent addiction?
Here are three reasons most are unable to succeed with NoFap:
Most triggers and urges originate from seeing raunchy content on social media, whether it’s Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, etc. You can cut off the trigger cycle by eliminating social media from your life. Sounds hard? Well, it just might be what you need to beat porn for good and have some control. - UN-SERIOUSNESS
A lack of seriousness about quitting porn is one of the primary reasons people fall back to their old habit. So the question becomes, why are people not serious even though porn can be so detrimental to a man’s wellbeing? The answer lies in the next point… - NOT UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF PORN
The fundamental reason people don’t get serious about quitting porn is that they do not see the clear negative effects on their life. After all, there are no apparent physical harms to your body, so why get serious about it? The impact of porn is WAY deeper than you realize when you consider the wasted time, energy, and focus on the habit. Think about the opportunity cost of keeping the habit with you, and how much more you could achieve if you didn’t have this dark cloud over your head.
This video explains why most men fail at NoFap and quitting porn.