Porn Withdrawal Symptoms (NoFap Side Effects w/ Sex Addiction Specialist)

What happens when you quit porn and start practicing NoFap and semen retention? Are there any side effects or withdrawal symptoms?

What men usually experience when withdrawing from porn is:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anger

But why do people experience these negative emotions when they stop watching porn and NoFap?
The reason that most people use porn is to escape difficult emotions, such as the ones mentioned above.

And when you remove that emotional crutch (support system), then you start to experience the porn withdrawal symptoms mentioned above.

Ask yourself this question, “When was the last time I had a really strong negative emotion?” And “How did I handle that situation?” Chances are, you acted out with porn and masturbation. Right?

So the solution to porn addiction and experiencing withdrawal symptoms is actually quite simple: Learn how to manage negative emotions in a healthy and productive way, as opposed to a destructive way. There are a million better ways to deal with emotions than watching porn 🙂

Watch this video about what to expect with NoFap and quitting porn.