There are some men that do REALLY well at NoFap and quitting porn, and I want to highlight three men I’ve been mentoring that have done overcome some big roadblocks in their porn recovery.
- IMMANUEL (was really stressed)
Immanuel often uses porn to escape difficult emotions, like stress or anxiety. He’s especially triggered when he’s in a fight with his loved ones. I was proud of Immanuel because he made an effort to intentionally release his negative emotions and productive way by talking with people, instead of bottling it up and acting out through watching porn. - WILLIAM (relapsed hard)
William is a high achiever like many of us. He was so determined to quit porn, and when he relapsed he took it very hard. But he did not spiral out of control, in fact, he used it as an opportunity to learn from his mistake, get back on the saddle, and continue on his porn recovery journey. I was proud of him because he decided not to spiral and relapse, but rather turn it into a learning experience - CHRIS (had a breakup)
Chris went through a pretty hard breakup recently, but when I asked him how he was doing during our weekly check-in, he was surprisingly calm. He had made a lot of effort to not spiral and use this as an opportunity to act out with porn. Instead, he recognized that this difficult relationship would have been a big trigger for him, but it wasn’t because he had control over his emotions and learned how to release his emotions in a productive way.
This video explains HOW these guys beat porn this year.