Porn is holding you back more than you think. Here are 3 ways that porn held you back this past year, and importantly, how to make next year the best NoFap year of your life.
That’s the amount of time we collectively watch porn every year (on one website). How much is that in years? That’s 600,000 years of watching porn that we collectively consume every year. MIND-BLOWING! We are not designed to waste that much time and energy. We’re made for more, so it’s time to give it up. - OPPORTUNITY COST
The opportunity cost of you spending so much time thinking about, acting out, and feeling down about it is crazy. Think about how much MORE you could have accomplished if porn wasn’t part of your life? Imagine how much further you could be. - QUALITY OF RELATIONSHIPS
This is really the biggest thing that affects many people. The quality of our relationships, romantic or otherwise, suffer because porn brings unneeded stress, anxiety, and disappointment into our lives that translates into lower quality relationships. Romantic relationships don’t quite feel the same, and marriages suffer because of the secrecy and mistrust that porn brings.
This videos explains 3 ways porn held YOU back and what you can do about it.